Friday, May 31, 2019

Guilty Conscience in Macbeth :: essays research papers

In my opinion, the statement If you commit a hatred and dont piss caught, it doesnt really matter because your guilt over what you have done will destroy you in the end is true and happens in reality. What is a crime? It is an evil act that breaks the law or the basic values of the society, harming the individuals of the society. So if you commit a crime, and dont get caught the fact that you have move a crime and your heart knows will haunt you forever and make you feel guilty. If you know that the act you did was wrong, but you did it anyways ignoring what you knew will definitely lead to your destruction. point though, you would appear to be confident to others, after committing the crime, but your inner conscience will always curse you and will eventually destroy you. This is what happened to Lady Macbeth in the play written by William Shakespeare, Macbeth. When Macbeth informed Lady Macbeth of the witches prophecy of him being the king of Scotland, she incited him to slay D uncan (because of her desire or ambition to rule Scotland). She could not kill Duncan herself, so she told him to slay Duncan. Even though, Lady Macbeth did not kill Duncan, she knew it was because of her provocation that Macbeth was forced to take this step. In the beginning of the play, she is blood thirsty and cruel. In the middle, when she had to haze over Macbeths hallucination of seeing Banqous ghost, she said Good friends, think of this as nothing more than a strange habit. Its nothing else. Too bad its flub our pleasure tonight (III, iv, 101-103). She is still confident and is trying to stabilize Macbeths thoughts. Till this point she is not shown to be guilty of her act but confident. Gradually, as the play progresses we hear about Lady Macbeths condition from her maid, who says to a Doctor Since his majesty went into the field, I have seen her rise/from her bed, throw her nightgown upon her, open her/closet, take forth paper, fold it, write upon t, read it,/ afterwards seal it, and again return to bed, yet all this/while in most kick the bucket asleep (V,I, 3-8). Then Lady Macbeth says while sleep walking Out, damned spot Out, I sayOne, two. Why, then, tis time to do t/. Hell is/murkyFie, my lord, fie A soldier, and afeard?

Thursday, May 30, 2019

An Analysis of Richer Sounds PLC Essay -- Business Management TQM Essa

An Analysis of Richer Sounds PLC1.0 A Report on How Richer Sounds Functions4.1 A Classification of the care according to its ownership, andan explanation of the benefits and constraints of this type ofownershipRicher Sounds is part of the Private Sector, which consists ofbusinesses who seek to make a profit. Julian Richer is the sole ownerof Richer Sounds, which means he has plentiful control over the business,but the Directors run it. Richer Sounds is a regional unlisted PublicLimited Company, which means it is not listed on the Stock Exchange.Julian Richer is owner of all the shares of Richer Sounds, but theofficial name of the company is still Richer Sounds PLC, even thoughthe shares are not for sale to the public. Julian Richer also gainsthe advantage of restrict liability, which means he is not personallyliable for any of the companys debts. The most he can lose is themoney he has invested in the company, so he has not put any of hispersonal possessions at risk.4.1.1 Richer Sounds Legal RequirementsRicher Sounds also lose legal requirements that it has to abide bysuch as they must have its name and address, ect registered at theCompanies House where they will also have to send annual returns andfinancial statements. This is one of the disadvantages of being aLimited Company the fact they have lots of paperwork due to annualstatements. The advantages and disadvantages of Richer Sounds areshown further on in the report. Also the financial affairs of RicherSounds have to be published because the companys stakeholders need tosee how the business is performing.4.1.2 Memorandum and Articles of AssociationThe documentation that Richer Sounds is likely to encou... (search engine) searched words such as Richer Sounds PLC,Richer Sounds products and prices, communication.Textbooks I used are as followsBusiness Studies for you, authors David Needham and Robert DransfieldBusiness Studies, authors Ian Marcouse, Andrew Gi llespie, BarryMartin, Malcolm Surridge, Nancy Wall.Line relationship . Each person has a superior and stave know whomthey should report and for which staff or work area they areresponsible for.In ceremonious relationship. Staff have frequent contact through their work,but have no formal relationship.Staff relationship. This is where no formal authority exists, butadvice is sought.Lateral relationship where the staff in different departments withthe same level of responsibility need to co-operate or co-ordinatetheir activities.

Tennessee Williams The Glass Menagerie Essay -- Tennessee Williams Gl

Tennessee Williams The Glass Menagerie We each(prenominal) have illusions. We lavatory hardly digest with bug out them. Most of the time they are harmless thoughts about things that are usually unattainable. An example would be when a person sees something that they necessity and then dreams of having it. Whenever someone holds an credit based on what they think is true, or in some cases what should be true, rather than what actually is true, then that is an illusion. Illusions sometimes help people cope with grievous situations, exactly in the end, illusions are only a false escape from reality. The characters in the book The Glass Menagerie are each affected by their own different illusions. Tom, Laura, and Amanda all survive because their illusions protect them from the painful facts of their lives. However, illusions can prove to be self-destructive as well as helpful. Do the characters illusions combat injury them, or are they merely harmless aspects of their personaliti es?Tom, who is the main character and narrator, suffers from his illusions. Toms illusion helps him to escape from his own reality. He sees his job at the shoe warehouse as boring and insignificant. He would rather experience the endless possibilities that life holds. But Tom cannot escape his job, so he tries to escape by going to the movies and writing. When he goes to the movies, he expects to find adventure. Watching someone elses adventures on the movie screen offers Tom a diversion from his boring existence. Yes, movies feeling at them-All of those glamorous people-having adventures-hogging it gobbling the whole thing up You know what happens? People go to the movies instead of moving Hollywood characters are supposed to have all the adventures for everybody in America, while everybody in America sits in a dark room and watches them have them / But Im not patient. I wear thint want to wait till then. Im tired of the movies and I am about to move (p. 96) But since he has to come out of the dark theater and face life again, escape to the movies solves no problems in his life. The vicarious way of life that Tom creates by attending the movies is an illusion because it can never be a true substitute for his own life. Tom realizes in the paragraph above that he is only watching adventures rather than nutrition them. He realizes, also, that movies are only momentary physiological escapes. He uses the movies as a... ...nt from what she wants. Amandas life is focused on her childrens happiness because she doesnt want them to make the same mistakes that she did. This, however, is just an illusion because they will never be what she wants them to be. By trying harder to set them on the right path, she pushes herself even deeper into her illusion. Go to the movies, go Dont think about us, a mother deserted, an unmarried sister whos crippled and has no job Dont allow anything interfere with your selfish pleasure Just go, go, go-to the movies(p.136) By reliving her life, Amanda failed to realize that the personalities of her children were completely different from her own. As a result of her illusions, Amanda drove her son external and hurt herself and the others around her.If someone was to remove the illusion from the lives of the Wingfield family, which of them could survive the real world? Their illusions might be useful for a short time but the world would pass them by if they maintained an illusionary state. Illusions, therefore, are a destructive trait in the lives of the Wingfield family. Works CitedWilliams, Tennessee. The Glass Menagerie. New York random House, 2008.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Henry IS :: essays research papers

It is obvious that after reading The Red Badge of Courage, there are some(prenominal) different interpretations as to what kind of person Henry is. Some argue that Henrys change at the end of the novel turned him into an remark earning, noble man. While one battle can change a man, there are al modes the underlying traits that will never fade away. The set out of the novel is where Henrys psychological background is set. Henrys personality is brutally self-centered, the only when person in his mind is himself, and thats the way it always will be. When Henry informed his m different that he was leaving to go to war, he was upset with her reaction. He expected a huge outstanding scene with his mother in tears and begging him to stay home. To his dismay, Henry received a stoic response, in which his mother told him to simply be careful. It was evident through the subtly of his mothers response that she was likewise upset by her sons decision, and chose to support him as a good m other would. Henry was too busy distressing about the dissatisfying reaction from his mother to realize that she was hurt and distraught. This example is just a beginning to the selfish thoughts that pollute Henrys mind. Henry was overly obsessed with obtaining a high reputation on the battlefield. He hoped that an impressive performance during battles would immortalize him as a champ among the rest of the soldiers. Henry holds his well high throughout the entire beginning of the novel, and while he makes mistakes, he does not blame it on himself. Also, Henry ran away from battle, which ends up with one less(prenominal) person in line to fight. Henry was not thinking of the other soldiers he put at risk when he fled, but only his avow fear and life. Although he was just one soldier, one soldier can make a difference. When Henry fled from battle, afterwards he blamed it on the other soldiers who did not follow in his footsteps. He found them to be fools for not protecting themsel ves from death as he did. In order to further outgrowth his high self-image, he faked a wound. Getting hit in the head by the butt end of a rifle is not a hero like quality, so he went along with the lie of getting shot. Luckily, the unsuspecting soldiers believed that a bullet grazed his head, and the bump on his head wasnt the only factor to how huge Henrys head looked.

Young Goodman Brown - A Thematic Illustration :: essays research papers

Nathaniel Hawthorne comes from an interesting background. He was born in capital of Oregon and later returned to pass away there. He was a descendant of William Hathorne, a puritan judge who persecuted Quakers, and John Hathorne, a puritan magistrate who participated in the Salem witch trials. Hawthornes kinship to these two notables of puritan history makes the story "Young Goodman Brown," all the more interesting. Hawthorne alludes to John Hathorne when he writes about Goodman Browns "fellow traveler" commenting on Browns grandfather, who "lashed the Quaker woman so vigorously through the streets of Salem.""Young Goodman Brown" is about one mans journey through the woods with the devil and his encounters that make him doubt his faith in himself, his wife, and the community in which they reside. The theme of this story is that beyond any intangible evil, the evil that men do is ultimately the more damaging. Throughout the story Hawthorne uses setti ng and characters as symbols representing contrasting aspects of good and evil and he uses the plot to develop the e aerateual win-over of evil over "Goodman" Browns "Faith."Not surprisingly "Young Goodman Brown" takes place in Salem during the puritan era. The story begins with Goodman Brown departing from his wife in the village to meet with and take a stroll in the forest with a "fellow-traveler" the devil.The contrast amid the forest and the town is symbolic. On the outside, it seems like a normal, religious puritan village, but when one goes in deep, one sees there is a center of pertinaciousness. The deep, dark forest in the puritan town represents the internal evil of the villagers. The forest is viewed as mysterious, unknown and inhabited by the devil, while the town is pleasant sound and where his wife, "Faith," is. During Goodman Browns walk through the "dark forest," he sees and learns that many of his mentors and relati ves have chosen the path of evil. The forest is where all the respectable people of the town go to vent their evil while outside of the forest, they seem like they be pure and good. Hawthorne adds to the symbolism by personifying the trees "which barely stood aside to let the narrow path grovel through" as Brown "walks alongside a dreary road." Hawthorne uses the characters of the story also to represent good and evil. The names of the main character and his wife are ironic. Faith, in the literal context of the story, is Goodman Browns wife.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Billy Budd Essay: Close, but no Christ Figure -- Billy Budd Essays

Billy Budd Close, but no delivery boy Figure Billy Budd, the foretopman in Billy Budd, Sailor, expects similar to Jesus Christ because of his relative appearance of purity, simplicity, and innocence. He posses military man virtues which cannot be explained but* by any other method except comparison to Christ. Yet, while Budd may reckon like a Christ figure at first glance, he is a far cry from the Christ of the Holy Bible. Budd is human beings, and his short comings-his natural flaws and apathy towards others and his work-make it impossible for him to be a Christ figure-one who is blameless from birth until death, has the purpose of humanitys redemption continually in mind, and is totally self-sacrificing despite possession of howling(a) power. Because he is human, Budd lives a very human life, and his actions throughout his life and ultimate death, while uncharacteristically heroic, are always limited to those of humanity. Christ, possessing unfathomable power lives a go dly life and lays that life down to save humanity in fulfillment of prophecy. Further, the method and meaning of Budds death is entirely different-in fact, not even link up to those of Christs death, burial, and resurrection. In this particular Billy was a striking instance that the arch interferer, the envious marplot of Eden, still has more or less to do with every human consignment to this plant of Earth (1879). Budd, though created in the image of God, suffers imperfection and sin like every human being on Earth. His most transparent imperfection, that which makes the most striking presentation, is his tendency to stutter under emotionally pressured situations. However, while his most visible flaw, it is not his only flaw as a human being. Billy B... ...f Grace and Redemption. This mission of Christs determines the life He leads and the death He suffers, as well as the reason for His resurrection. Budd, having no reason to be where he is, leads a simple and apathetic life. H is death, therefore, is of little or no consequence to those in the greater world. While Budds simplicity and human virtue make him seem Christ-like on the surface, he lacks that connection to God that determines the very soul of a man. William Budd, foretopman, is not a Christ figure because he is not, and could never be, the Lamb of God. whole kit Cited Melville, Herman. Billy Budd, Sailor. The American Tradition in Literature. Ed. George Perkins, et al. New York McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 1990. 1872-1924. The Holy Bible. Ed. David R. Veerman, et al. New King James Version. Ilinois Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 1994.

Billy Budd Essay: Close, but no Christ Figure -- Billy Budd Essays

wand Budd Close, but no the Nazarene Figure Billy Budd, the foretopman in Billy Budd, Sailor, seems similar to Jesus Christ because of his relative appearance of purity, simplicity, and innocence. He posses human virtues which can non be explained but* by any other manner except comparison to Christ. Yet, while Budd may seem like a Christ figure at first glance, he is a far prognosticate from the Christ of the Holy Bible. Budd is human, and his short comings-his natural flaws and apathy towards others and his work-make it impossible for him to be a Christ figure-one who is blameless from birth until death, has the purpose of humanitys redemption continually in mind, and is totally self-sacrificing despite possession of tremendous power. Because he is human, Budd lives a very human life, and his actions throughout his life and ultimate death, while uncharacteristically heroic, be always limited to those of humanity. Christ, possessing unfathomable power lives a godly life an d lays that life down to save humanity in fulfillment of prophecy. Further, the method and nub of Budds death is entirely different-in fact, not even related to those of Christs death, burial, and resurrection. In this particular Billy was a striking instance that the arch interferer, the envious marplot of Eden, still has much or less to do with all(prenominal) human consignment to this plant of Earth (1879). Budd, though created in the image of God, suffers imperfection and sin like every human being on Earth. His most visible imperfection, that which makes the most striking presentation, is his tendency to stutter under emotionally pressured situations. However, while his most visible flaw, it is not his only flaw as a human being. Billy B... ...f Grace and Redemption. This mission of Christs determines the life He leads and the death He suffers, as well as the reason for His resurrection. Budd, having no reason to be where he is, leads a simple and apathetic life. His death , therefore, is of little or no consequence to those in the greater world. term Budds simplicity and human virtue make him seem Christ-like on the surface, he lacks that connection to God that determines the very soul of a man. William Budd, foretopman, is not a Christ figure because he is not, and could never be, the Lamb of God. Works Cited Melville, Herman. Billy Budd, Sailor. The American Tradition in Literature. Ed. George Perkins, et al. New York McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 1990. 1872-1924. The Holy Bible. Ed. David R. Veerman, et al. New poof James Version. Ilinois Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 1994.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Arthur Miller creates dramatic tension Essay

The Crucible is set in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. It starts when Parris, the local- and rather unpopular- reverend in Salem disc everywheres his fille Betty, niece Abigail and many other young women from the village dancing and chanting in the forest, led by his slave Tituba. Tituba is from the West Indies, so has a set of traditions and be trickeryfs which depend very alien to the Puritan citizens of Salem. When Betty and another girl involved in the dancing dont wake up the next day, and just lie in a trance-like state, t present atomic number 18 rumours of witchcraft afoot.With the arrival of get behind, an open- minded but overly righteous witch- hunter, Abby and Tituba claim to have been possessed by the hard liquor of witches in Salem. Abby, along with some other girls, start accusing many people. Those who confess to devil worship are saved those who do not are charged to be hanged. In royal court, the girls faint, and claim to have terrible pains and overhear horri fic visions, all induced by the witch on trial. Their simulated military operation are powerful, so those conducting the proceedings do not really consider they may be faking.Also, no one dares express sympathy for those charged, for fear of existenceness accused themselves. As Abby and the other girls become court officials, people are wary of crossing them. Abby is a very overpowering character reference. She is seventeen and ravishingly beautiful. Whilst operative as a maid for Elizabeth admonisher, she had an affair with her husband John. Abby still has feelings for him, and consequently despises his wife Goody Proctor. In the forest, she cast a spell to try and execute her. The affair has created a lot of tension between the married couple, and it seems John has never quite won back his wifes trust.When the couples maid, bloody shame Warren, reveals that Elizabeths name has been mentioned in court when witchcraft was being discussed, Goody Proctor is desperate for John t o appeal to the court before she is officially charged. This is because Abby revealed to Proctor there was no witchcraft involved in Bettys trance-like state, claiming, She just took fright, is all. Proctor is a highly passionate man, who can be hot-headed. He has to live with the terrible guilt of his affair, which he greatly regrets.He still has feelings for Abby, but he is too ashamed of his weakness in character to do anything about them, seeing what the initial affair did to his relationship with his wife. He still loves Elizabeth, but succumbed to the beautiful girl who had been a temptation to him whilst his wife was ill. When Hale arrives at their house to question the couple, Proctor questions Hale to see whether he has considered the fact the girls might be lying, and reveals what Abby told him. This appears to send Hale into turmoil. sooner Proctor has a chance to make an official complaint, Cheever arrives with an arrest warrant for Elizabeth.She is one of sixteen arre sted, along with other respected women like the godly Rebecca Nurse. Giles Coreys wife, Martha, is arrested because he apprised Hale he found it difficult to pray when she was reading. Proctors servant Mary knows Abby is making false accusations, so he forces her to tell the court officials of this the next day. Act Three takes place in a courtroom. It is the site where many have been condemned to die and many horrific accusations have been made, so there is already an ominous atmosphere. It is then that we are introduced to Danforth, a court judge with a very rigid view.Proctor, Corey and Frances Nurse, husband of the condemned Rebecca, are all anxious to provoke their wives innocence. Mary Warren has come to lead she was faking, but she is petrified about speaking out against Abby and the possible consequences. When it is revealed Elizabeth is pregnant, and therefore will not be hanged for around a year at least, Proctor is fertilisen the option of accepting this and doing no more. However, he feels he has to save the others who have been charged as well. To Danforth, this seems to suggest Proctor is just trying to undermine the court rather than just save his wife, as he initially claimed.To us, it is evidence of Proctors bravery and conscience. Hale, who has in the past acted quite righteously and tried to root out witches, finally sees that Abby may be lying. He decides to support Proctor, which might put pressure on Danforth to accept that some of the condemnations were untrue. If Danforth admits this, however, he will be publicly disgraced, as he will be seen as responsible for the deaths of many innocent citizens, ground on juvenile, callous accusation. The climax of the scene is brought about by Abbys quick- thinking.She is relieved when Elizabeth lies about the affair, and sees the moment as her chance to turn the situation to her favour. She, and afterward the other girls, claim to see a yellow bird, possessed by the spirit of Mary Warren. Abb y does this to pressurise Mary into lying again, to avoid being condemned as a witch. The scene becomes highly charged as Proctor and the others struggle to convince Danforth the girls are faking, Abby becomes more hysterical and Mary is in a dilemma about whether she should listen to her conscience and risk being condemned or lie to save herself. There is conflict between Mary Warren and Abby.Before all the witchcraft incidents, Abby was very dominant in her relationship with Mary, possibly resenting the fact Mary took her job when Elizabeth discovered the relationship between Abby and John. As Mary is used to be treated like an inferior, she is scared to speak out against Abby. Abby seems to be the more intelligent and powerful of the two, and Mary is afraid that if her claim against Abby is deemed a lie, then Abby will find a way to get back at her. Tension is created as Mary is under pressure from Proctor to admit she and the other girls lied and contributed to the execution of innocent villagers.In contrast, Abby is desperate for Mary to keep lying to avoid being exposed. As the audience, we are tense to see if Mary will overcome or succumb to the peer pressure. When Abby claims to see a yellow bird, this forces Mary into a decision to support her rather than Proctor. She is tightlipped to being tried as a witch and has to find a way to shift the blame, which is basically the foundation of all the trials. There is also a sense that her will is simply overpowered by Abbys will. The characters in this scene are all very important, and all contribute to the tense atmosphere.There is split of conflict between them, causing a feeling of suppressed emotions that are being forced out. In particular, there is conflict between Proctor and Abby, and this is obscure by the fact that we know that Proctor is both physically attracted to and yet hates Abby. When Proctor admits to the affair he has so strenuously kept secret before, it shows the abstrusity of the ba ttle between him and Abby. Miller uses dramatic irony in this scene. We, as the audience, know that Proctor, Corey and Nurse are telling the truth and so we see done Abbys act and want the truth to prevail.However, characters such as Hale and Danforth have no evidence either way, but are perhaps pre-disposed to cerebrate Abby as they have executed people on her word (and would lose face if it became known she was lying). Miller plays with us, and builds up the tension, by alternately giving us cause to hope that the truth will be revealed and to fear that it will not.For example, there are times when we are led to hope that Danforth will give credit to what he is told by Mary, as, contrary to what Parris advises, he does hear her out, and, in response to Parris immediate denunciation, states, it strike hard upon me that she will dare to come here with such a tale. Similarly, there are times when Hales response gives hope. He admits to always having had doubts about Abby. However, we lose hope when Danforth orders that those who signed Giles petitions moldiness all be arrested, when Abby convincingly protests her innocence, and when the girls claim to be affected by witchcraft. Proctors dramatic revelation of his adultery with Abby looks at one power point as if it may sway Danforth, but our hopes are dashed when Elizabeth denies he is a lecher, believing she is doing so in his best interests.When Mary is won over by Abby, we see that Abby has decisively triumphed. After the drama of the girls hysteria, we are left feeling deflated. To conclude, Miller uses a variety of tactics to create tension. He uses theater techniques like dramatic irony to do so. The conflicting characters are also a major contributor. The scene is a battle between good and evil, and the constantly changing winning side makes us tense. There are moments where everything looks hopeful but then the evidence is turned around to go against what it proves.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Living in Sin by Adrienne Rich: Of Simplicity and Brevity Essay

Poetry has turned off a lot of people Because of its confusing nature and interjection of difficult-to understand symbolisms, poems have been do by by many. Yet what most people do not know is that the landscape of poetry has changed trem abolishously in the past years. Contemporary poets have realised that their brings should no longer include flowery words and deep allegories to be beautiful that in fact, the poems that eventually become popular ar those pronounced with simplicity and brevity and those that posses the ability to touch the readers hearts. If one is to get reacquainted with poetry, Adrienne Richs aliment in Sin is a good place to start.This particular proposition poem talks of something that is very common nowadays domestic partnership without the grace of marriage. But the sin Rich referred to in the title does not heyday to the seemingly sinful relationship of living together but was more a tirade on how people can sometimes persuade themselves intimately staying in a relationship even when the expectations on the particular relationship have not been met. Living in Sin tells how a woman has realised that living with the person she loves is not all A plate of pears, / a piano with a Persian shawl, a cat / stalking the picturesque divert mouse and that there is indeed dust upon the furniture of love. In Living in Sin, Rich describes how a relationship is something that one needs to work at.This poem is the best one to pick up when trying to re-embrace poetry because it differs greatly from those written under the pens of 15th and 16th Century poets. Revolving around a present-day issue, Living in Sin is sure to be easily understood by new readers. Most of the people nowadays can sure enough relate to the fact that certain aspects of a relationship can be disillusioning. Almost anyone who enters a relationship do so armed with certain confident(p) expectancies that are sadly not met as the relationship progresses. By painting im ages of boredom (he, with a yawn, / sounded a dozen notes upon the keyboard, / declared it out of tune) and letdown (she, jeered by the minor demons, / pulled back the sheets and made the bed and found / a towel to dust the table-top, / and let the coffee-pot boil over on the stove.), Rich successfully communicates her message.Richs successful telling of her message can be attributed to her ability of steering clear from highfalutin words and hard-to-imagine imagery. In fact, Living in Sin is marked by simple words and symbolisms that are common to everyone. The language that Rich used in this particular poem is something that we all understand. These are just more reasons to actually pick up and enjoy this particular poem. Yet the good points of Living in Sin do not end there. This particular poem is also armed with only a few lines. Rich employed just 26 lines and a mere 196 words in conveying her message yet those numbers have been enough to transfer Richs messages to the reader s. Undeniably, no other literary piece can carry out such feat but poetry. Living in Sin and poems in general are lovable in that one need not go through lots of word tangles to feel exactly what the author wants him/her to feel.True enough, poems of old are pretty hard to understand, talking about things that most contemporary people can no longer relate to. Yet as with everything, poets have changed and have taken to voicing out topics that are close to immediatelys readers hearts. Adrienne Rich is but one of those poets who have successfully mastered combining relatable subjects with easy-to-grasp symbols and language in her poetry. And reading one of her more popular poems, Living in Sin, will surely convince this generation that poems should be given a chance because, contrary to popular belief, they are beautiful literary pieces that are worth reading.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Criminological research Essay

Longitudinal Approach to Chicago Crime Research The Project on Human maturement in Chicago Research conducted a research regarding the historical melodic phrases of crime using the statistical longitudinal get along eight-year-follow-up from 1993 to 2001 on 11,000 individuals with equal male to womanly ratio in nine different age groups selected at random from 70 different communities and the developmental crime analysis using multi-field approaches from various link up studies in criminology, sociology, psychology and biology.The Project is based at Harvard School of Public Health and is jointly sponsored by National Institute of Justice and MacArthur Foundation. The project try to explain the psychological and criminological determinants of the city in response to the mounting crime rates from the years 1960s to current. In lieu with this, the project withal aimed to find solutions through the aforementioned multi-disciplinary analysis combined with therapeutic intervention analysis.Understanding criminal behavior entails identification of the source (from birth to adulthood), the developmental origin and environmental influences. Main areas for the study include individual differences, influences from family, school, peer and community, criminal careers, predictions of dangerousness. Data collection is by multistream STORI approachself-reports tests and examinations, observational procedures (surveys and interviews), existing records, and informant reports. Community, as a determinant, is analyzed through systemic social observation.Changes in family structure is measured at several factors including the individual and/or mixed effect of star sign environment, care providers, key figures , presence of extended family, quality of upbringing, and the relationships within. The impact of racism on construction of identity of the samples was also considered. Gender-specific roles was also investigated why males tend to be more violent and the females more into sexual and property offenses their differential response to developmental determinants, individuality, and social behavior with focus between adolescence-adulthood period.Antisocial behavior as exhibited by criminal behavior is evaluated at traumatic stress (and PTSD), abuse and child development the coping mechanism and resilience and cycle of violence hypotheses is evaluated in line with this. Aside from exploring the history and patterns of anti-socialism, the project maimed at creating intervention programs at the following age group to prevent recidivism 0-6 (improved social skills and cognitive stimulation) and materialization adolescents (modeling, peer leader and educ films) young adults (probation and diversion programs).Testing persistence-desistence hypothesis by using various theories (bio-psych development, social learning and control, social organization, network, rational choice and intimidation theory) with focus on peer relations will also be included in t he Project. The Project also aimed at creating a pragmatic, large-scale approach for crime prevention by testing their hypothesis on differential social organization, individual differences, peer groups and social networks.The Projects scheme is kind of ambitious considering that it requires an 8 year statistical analysis, only 200 field experts and one co-sponsor (aside from the federal). While it is true that meta-analysis can be applicable for such types of study, in that location are problems in statistical method sampling especially if the test samples migrated or died before the end of the project. Would the Project resort to attrition analysis?The investigation whitethorn also be weak because it relies on questionnaires and interviews, and most criminals, in reality, rarely talk about their life. Technology should also be assessed for the study. Additionally, the methods used, although very extensive, may be very tiring to the staff. Although the objectives of the study are great, the methods require extensive staffing and careful management and (detached) association with the samples in the study.Reference Earls, F. J. and Reiss, A. J. (1994). Breaking the Cycle. NIJ Research Report. 91 pp.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Monastic Art Essay

Monastic Art is subdivided in 2 genres the monastic ascetic dodge dramatis personae and the aesthetic device form (Sekules 77). The portrayal of saints in the monasteries is a common theme and narrows it down to the whole religious visionaries and deities which produced those visions. The entire monastic sphere was dedicated to placing unrivalledself in a note to receive sacred communication from God hence it is not surprising that monasteries and convents heavily sought for visual representation of their favorite saints or God.In chivalrous times, monastic art was commonly etched on ceilings, walls, and frescoes to draw the viewer into a realm of holiness to enrich the artistic and religious experience. As said(prenominal) monastic life could either be ascetic which falls in line with the austere lives of the monks or it could be exceedingly beautified which displayed all the wealth and glamour of the Medieval Catholic Church. Most monastic art are derived from the Byzantin e model were paintings were very embellished, attractive, symbolic, and magnificent in size.At the Abbey of Santa Maria la sure de Las Huelgas, Spain, there are the Berenguela knitted cushion covers and skillfully decorated gloves, overlaid with gold and scarlet (1275). This highly decorated covers are in memoriam of Prince Fernando de la Cerda (Shadis 168). Benedictine Monasteries The chemical formula of St. Benedict required them to withdraw from the world into a communal life organized around prayer so that their spiritual inclinations were not directed to otherwise areas of conformity (Sekules 61). Because of this policy art work conforms to the standards of the monastery.Jesus Christ, Catholic saints, monasteries, the virgin Mary, holy mother and child paintings are all regular images of the medieval monastery. Benedictine monasteries boasted a wide array of art such as An Illumination of Stephen Harding (1225) at the Abbey at Citeaux. In this classic, monastic painting ther e are two models of monasteries, handed by two Benedictine monks, one of which is the Englishman Stephen Harding himself, which are delivered up to the virgin Mary to sanction or reject. Benedictine cloisters featured inscriptions in windows, stonework, paintings, and manuscripts (Luxford 11).This emblem of veneration is called Cisternian illumination where there is a mystic connection and communication with the divine. Golden auras and golden thrones with elaborate architectured monasteries characterize this work. Another famous Benedictine art form is Benedict of Nursia (1435) displayed at the Abbey at Florence, Italy. This painting done by Frey Angelico exhibits the simple face of St. Benedict with a holy halo encircling his head, in a grave, solemn, pensive mood, similar to what one would expect in a monastic setting.Women in Power-Medieval Feminism The Empowered Woman Before Mary Wollenstonecraft even so crafted the Declaration of Women (1791), the embryonic signs of an emerg ing feminist movement were already visible. Due to religious, social, and cultural dogmas and restraints, women were confined to the private sphere, unable to take part in the activities and pursuits of men. Nevertheless, a few women have propelled themselves and unwittingly their female counterparts to a whole new dimension in the Middle Ages.The woman is a recurrent depiction in Medieval Art and architecture, not to mention in an age where in the Marian cult (and even in the Greco-Latin mythology) was venerated as goddess, saint, and intercessor. Personification of places, whether cities or countries in particular as regal or armed women, are one of the oldest forms of power symbolism(Sekules 13). Several countries have depicted women at war as their subject field icons for example Roma, Germania, Brittanica, Sclavenia, Columbia, Athena, Italia Turrita, Hispania, Polonia, Europa etc. The women are either portrayed as martial, royal, or both.Medieval art demonstrated the empower ment of women, where women sometimes moved out of the radical space and actively engaged in business, art, warfare, and politics. Joan of Arc One of the women who stands out is Joan of Arc. Historically, Joan of Arc is lauded as a liberator of France who bravely warred against England to set free her countrymen who labored at a refuse place the British yoke. Quite apart from her saintly character, Joans credibility as a military leader may have gained greater currency convey to the classical tradition that personified the authority of war in female form (Sekules 165).Art enables social criticism. Martin Le Franc sides with Joan of Arc unique personality both as a feminist and as a woman. Through his medieval portrayal of Joan of Arc both as a heroine, military hero, and spiritual icon, he embraces her as a daring woman. Martin Le Franc in Le Champion des Dames, a work directly inspired by the quarrel about Le Roman de la Rose, takes Joans part against her detractors. Their argum ents focus on her belligerence, her transvestism, and her condemnation by the Church (Warner 220).In the late-Medieval painting Le Champion des Dames (1450), one observes Joan of Arc holding two white flags and flanked by them in a biblical setting. Although critics say that this portrayal is anachronistic, it voices volumes in asserting the sanctity of a nationalist and prophetess who received visions and supernatural messages. Christine was an admirer of Joan (of Arcs) achievements and a defender when she needed it (Sekules 165). Joan of Arc, a powerful woman, inspired another medieval woman in power, Christine de Pisan, who highly esteemed Joan as a valiant, holy, and still feminine woman.Christine De Pisan Another medieval woman which broke from the social norms and launched out into the space of art, literature, and religion is Christine de Pisan (1365-1434). One could deliberate that because of her easy status she enjoyed many more liberties than the average woman of the Mid dle Ages however open prejudice and misogynist ideologies against the woman endureed and was encouraged against both the lower and upper classed woman. Christine de Pisan was literate, cultivated her artistic talent, and was mistress of her household (Christine de Pisan).Although today these characteristics seem ordinary, back in the medieval times, it was a rarity for a woman, even an aristocratic one to be qualified with all these talents. Christine de Pizan was born in Italy but married to a Frenchman. De Pisan was a prolific author as she produced several essays, poems, books, ballads, and epistles. The art piece of Christine de Pisan Writing is not as common as it seems for women were often relegated non-scholastic tasks for the general public deemed them inferior. In the depiction of De Pisan writing, the setting is clearly at an abbey or monastery.De Pizan was also the breadwinner of her family following her husbands passing therefore she emerged as one of the few women who made a livelihood from writing. Numerous medieval portraits of Christine de Pisan exist where she is either consulting with people in power such as Joan of Arc (Christine de Pisan Livres des Faits des Armes et de Chevalerie, 1409), diligently writing at an abbey (Christine de Pisan Writing), or educating her others (Christine de Pisan Instructing Her Son and Christine de Pisan lecturing a Group of Men). Convents or nunneries in the medieval period.It can be argued that nunneries and convents offered women an element of freedom (Medieval Convent or Nunnery). At the convents, the nuns had most commodities at their disposal and were not bound to family responsibilities, for here they concentrated on God and pursued holiness in the secluded religious life. Nuns were also enfranchised to vote in an prioress or mother superior, who in turn would govern the affairs of the female community. Since medieval times, the nunnery also was fitted with hospitals, gardens, chapels, dormitories, li braries, and a school.As a result, nuns had the unique opportunity to be holistically educated and independent. This peculiar branch of female liberation fosters artistic exploration. Art work often has appeared at convents where nuns have drawn or invented masterpieces such as Second to Nun Paintings Medieval paintings also tended to focus on holy women whether they be goddesses or cloistered nuns and mothers. One major medieval masterpiece shows Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179), a nun of St. Benedict of wrote books, plays, sermons, and poetry practiced medicine, and functioned as advisor to monarchs and popes.Hildegard is indeed a medieval and modern-day feminist who was not afraid to hold and uphold power even among men folk. A celebrated illustration of her is represented in Illumination from the Liber Scivias, 1151 where she receives a vision and transcribes it as a deity reveals it to her. This propelling woman dictates the divine messages in a book called The Scivias. This portrait conveys the reality of the enlightened woman in all spheres. She too can be an instrumental role not only for familial purposes but in multifaceted way, contributing to society, religion, and culture.References Christine de Pizan . Retrieved 06 May 2010 Les Enluminures Presents Women in Medieval Art . Retrieved 06 May 2010 Luxford, Julian M. The Art and Architecture of English Benedictine Monasteries 1300-1540 A Patronage History. Boyell Press, United Kingdom, 2008. Medieval Convent or Nunnery . Retrieved 06 May

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The street doesn’t adopt pets

The street doesnt adopt pets, that is what I tell myself when I see near animals wandering around the streets, in the case of our city the most of these poor animals are dogs that for some reason ended In that way. I am against of this situation, non only because it brings a bad aspect for the city, but also those dogs deserve a better life like any other animal, maybe they tolerate t get an owner, but shelter and food are essential things that they should have, so a program to help them to satisfy those eeds would be awesome and Is something that I hope become real as soon as possible.First, though It Is true that many mongrels were born In the streets and get angry or fleck In an aggressive way with humans, this Is not a reason to leave them alone, living a dangerous life, because the cycle Is going to repeat over and over, and that Is not a choice, so one solution Is to take them to temporary homes while they are puppies. second, some people believes that the best way to end w ith this problem would be creating campaigns to kill these poor animals.Although there may e lower dogs wandering around than before, this is not even an option to take in consideration, because killing animals is a crime according to the law, and also killing an animal that could be considered like a pet is an indignant act. Finally, in spite of the fact that the cost of care dogs in shelters with food and water is just too costly, the price paid for leave this situation in the same way in the long end point is even higher. An example of this would be the increase of attacks of mad dogs due to the great population of mongrels starving in the streets.To conclude, Id like to talk closely a sort out called ADA (Association in Defence of Animals) who look after the care and treatment of these helpless animals, so then taking them to temporary homes until they can be adopted. I admire the great devotion that this group of people put in each case, as an example, I could talk about th e day when I knew about their work. It was the last month when I was with my dog in its veterinarian, these guys entered with a dog in a very bad state and ask to the doctor to fall him an immediate treatment.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Cultural Management Issues in International Business Essay

Cultural issues in business argon a phenomenon born by globalisation of the commercialize where companies invest in a foreign country to bring the culture of the host country and the companys culture into contact. Today, numerous international companies gain rushed to invest in abroad to gain additional profits from worldwide customers. The market today is defined by global market that permits sacramental manduction of customers worldwide. However, during fierce competition, the market winners become the companies that who understand the Chinese culture. Cultural benignant resource management is critic for international companies in such situation. The market globalization has resulted to multinational practices and enterprises for additional profit and opportunities. There is myriad literature on cross- ethnic human resource management that guides international companies. Practically, some companies lost managing of heathen human resource which cook ups them fail.Summary of the Case StudyIn April 2003, top managers and programmers working for a start-up internet B2B company known as Alibaba in the to the south of Chinaware summoned by the company founder and given a secret mission. They were told to develop a C2C Internet auction site within three months as a counter attack to the much-celebrated eBay entry into the Chinese market. The new company was named Taobao, to mean treasure hunting. Similarly, the mission was impossible. eBay became the goliath of the e-commerce world, with success recorded in the US and the prowess in the international operations and marketing (Hang, Wenjiang, Xing & Ziwei, 2013). Besides, the company is adequately armed in the pockets and developers. Meanwhile, Alibaba was just an internet starting company and had less experience on international contingency investors than the most of the consumers in china and is still struggling to overcome the aftermath of the dot com cash.By the end of 2006, Taobao announced its monom ania of 30 jillion active account users, while it was estimated at 75% of the total C2C user markets in china. Besides, the total number of transactions exceeded 16 million RMB, estimated at $ 2.07. Conversely, eBay china announced in December 2006 that it would negotiate a joint venture with a local company (Hang, Wenjiang, Xing & Ziwei, 2013). Therefore, it transferred its C2C operation to the joint venture in exchange for a 49% stake is the joint company. At the same time, the C2C marketing had experienced explosive growth from 6 million users to 40 million users. The company stakeholders included the passing educated, professional elite and experienced employees, and executives experienced in western education and are hired worldwide. Besides, the stakeholders of Taobao included highly motivated college students who considered each as brothers and sisters in the company and were only promoted within the company. The executives were local graduates and most promoted from the lo cal company.The casing study explores the question why the international internet firms suffered a setback and defeats in trying to grow in the emerging Chinese e-commerce market. Additionally, the essay offers some insights into how multinational firms could compete with the local companies. The case study is based on the two explore rivals in china eBay and Taobao.Theory AnalysisCultural issues in business management are accommodate towards the establishment of the business goals through efficient and effective organizing, coordinating, planning, staffing, directing and controlling the resources of the organization. To detail, most business entities differ in a new environment for cultural management. Theoretically, the five culture dimensions clearly tell the similarities and variances in cultures of diverse countries. According to Professor Geert Hofstedes explore that was conducted on international business management, he cerebrate four culture dimensions. personal iden tity IDV, cater distance index PDI, uncertainty avoidance index UAI and masculinity MAS, however, he later summarized with the long-term orientation LTO. The research was done to analyze the influence on cultural issues that affect international business.The Context of the TheoryPower Distance magnateThe PDI tells how much the less fibrous countrys people attentiveness and accept the uneven power distributed. The societal inequality if followed by the deviance in peoples earlier life experiences such as norms and values. The PDI often connects to centralization of power, decision making and leadership in businesses. Companies with high PDI, employees and subordinates rely on their leader and high power distance is formed thorough the habits of obeying and relying of subordinates to the managers (Hang, Wenjiang & Xing 2013) . However, the less powerful employees will make efforts to bring down the gap between them and the manager. International business faces challenges of meeti ng various cultures with dissimilar power distance culture. The table below represents the analysis of the companies power distance index and the related problems that may exist.low power distance Italian managers high power distance subordinates Chinese problem that may exist people with more and less power can be friends there is no friendship between the low and high power distance people the managers feel the challenge of getting close to employees managers seen as making decisions in audience with the subordinates subordinates fear to disagree with the managers decision making styles are less good and cannot match people should rely on each other Source Hofstede, 2011 351 360IndividualismReferring to Hang, Wenjiang, Xing & Ziwei, (2013) cultures inclined in identity and collectivism is mainly focused on a persons values, needs, and serves their individual interest. The relations from other persons are regarded as less significant than oneself. In comparison with individualism , inclined business culture is focused on a combination of social organizations divided into outside and at bottom groups. Employees hope to be cared for by the people inside the group in exchange of their loyalty and can sacrifice for the group. Consequently, the individualist emphasizes on the importance to themselves in the business, and they hope to be watched by the stakeholders. The individualists, therefore, strive to do better and better and become the best, overvalue their ability and gaining strong upward mobility. The table below represents individualism in international businessdefinition of the self structure of goals emphasis on norms versus attitudes emphasis on rationality versus relatednessItalian individualism managers autonomous and mutually beneficial from groups priority to personal goals attitudes supersede norms emphasize on rationalityChinese subordinates independent with others priority to in-group goals attitude equals to norms emphasize onunconditionalre latednessproblems loss pure tone of team work managers are seen not to care of the business objectives managers easily show attitude when norm employees make mistakes due to relationshipsSource Hofstede, 2011 351 360 masculinityMasculinity shows the difference between the roles of different genders of the society. High manful societys men are tough, assertive and focus on material success however, the women are expected to be tender, modest, and concerned with life quality. In this society, men have a responsibility to earn money for the family and work hard to be productive in the society. Women take care of the housework such as cleaning and cooking. This society is reflected in the market departments and business human resource management (Goddard 2005). The human resource management is responsible for recruiting correct staff and properly positions them so that the marketing docket can take good care of the human resources and make profits for the business. In feminine socie ty, both men and women can go out and look for money for the family.Masculinity Problems in the Companyhigh masculine Italian managers high masculine Chinese subordinates problemslife is for work life is for work consensusachievement motivation achievement motivation consensusgreater value of difference between men and women for the same job greater value of difference between men and women for the same job consensusSource Hofstede, 2011 351 360Uncertainty Avoidance Index UAIThe human life is uncertain which leads to anxiety for human. The society has created procedures of avoiding uncertainty, for instance, the use of technology. Different societies have different mechanisms of adapting to uncertainties. In the business, the high uncertain avoidance society worries more on the coming(prenominal) and any uncertainty, hence, more ways to defend anxiety. However, low uncertainty avoidance business society has fewer worried on the future and anxieties and develops fewer business rule s. The table below represents the uncertainty avoidance for the case company.high UIA Italian managers low UAI Chinese employees problems ask for more written rules take away few rules Managers are seen as a timid individual and waste of companys opportunity. time is money time is free employees are seen as loafers work hard hard work is not virtue employees lack upward mobility Source Hofstede, 2011 351 360Long-Term OrientationThe long-term and short-term orientation describes the difference in values of future. Values inclined in long-term orientation are perseverance and thrift. The values associated with short-term orientation are fulfilling social obligations and respect for traditions faces. The long-term orientations in the case company may be represented as belowItalian bosses high LTO Chinese subordinates problemscannot understand perseverance stroppy employeescannot understand sense of shame is rampant unconfident employeescannot understand relationships dictated by sta tus blind obedienceSource Hofstede, 2011 351 360Conclusion and Suggested Solutions for Culturally Based Problems in BusinessCultural PerspectiveThe culture is never defined by developed or developing, inferior or predominant but instead, culture is historically old. It presents the peoples values, norms, thoughts, behaviours and habits. Therefore, international businesses, managers and employees in the foreign and local country must treat different culture right.Cross-Cultural TrainingThis is the principal regularity of eliminating conflicts of culture for effective cultural business management. It decreases culture conflicts the business may face. Cultural training enables businesses to maintain cohesion and spirit of the company, stable interpersonal relationships and strengthens team spirit (Goddard 2005). This includes local culture training and coming culture training for local managers and subordinates.Expatriate SelectionA god expatriate provides work geared towards the pro fitability of the business. The expatriates should be easily adaptable to changing cultural environment. Changing the working environment provides culture shocks. Bad adaptability will grounds pain to the employees and cause job dissatisfaction. Changes in environment may also have health complications on the expatriate, hence the need for right selection.ReferencesBarnett, J. B. (2008). A study of the second life history culture at Send International. Columbia, SC, Columbia International University.Goddard, J. (2005). Institutional Management and Engagement with the Knowledge Society. Higher Education Management and Policy. 17, 23-44.Hang, Z., Wenjiang, C., Xing, S., & Ziwei, W.(2013). Taobao vs. eBay The fight between a local nobody and a global giant. In P. Ramburuth, C. Stranger, & M. Serapio (Eds.), Asia Pacific Business Cases Dynamics of International Business. Melbourne Cambridge University PressHofstede, G. 2001. s Consequences, p. 351-360Source document

Monday, May 20, 2019

Educational Inequality Essay

All through history of America fosterage has served very crucially in both the political and economic needs. The goals of education in America take on all children bring chafe toll start condition ready to learn, 90 percent add in High school graduates, development of graduates who demonstrate competency in various atomic number 18as, create a lead in mathematics and science accomplishment in the worldly concern, literacy among all the adults and possession of the knowledge and skills necessary to strive in a global economy and exercise the rights and duties of citizenship, schools free of substance abuse, and full of discipline, access to professional equipping programs and lastly promotion of partnerships in schools that will intensify the parental participation in the whole dimension of the children . The US established an Act of Parliament in 2001 known as The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) that aims at bringing reforms in the education system. It aims in maintaining high standards and strategies in order to improve education system and eliminate the educational in tinctity.Education dates many eras back in history and quite surprisingly so do education variety. Educational inequality refers to the n wizardxistence of equal chances that individuals have as a result of differences in quality education among other(a) factors. Generally in America and the entire world a variety of educational inequalities exist. The imbalances continue along socioeconomic and ethnic lines. Research shows that slightly in the across the world more than genius billion adults illiterate. The United Nations indicates that of these one billion uneducated grown-ups more than 2/3rds are women. Further it shows that the fourth grade learners who grow up in lesser, low-income societies are already round three grade levels behind their peers in high-income societies (TFA, 2008). By the age these students are 18 they have not yet completed in their high school, with only a ratio of one is to ten. These educational imbalances dishonorably limit the life scenarios of the children who grow up in misfortunate societies who are over 13 million children.The disparities incline inexplicably affect minority groups comprising African-American, Latino/Hispanic, and Native American children, who are three times as probable to live in low-income regions (TFA, 2008). Children in low-income societies and areas in the world regularly face trials such as underprivileged healthcare, nourishment, and insufficient housing. While their counterparts enjoy concerted cultivation, vulnerability to the information and resources, give out nutrition and recreation facilities all of which are important in bettor performance. Schools and school systems time and again lack the same resources to encounter and cope with the students full potential. Various factors are precursors of inequality, and on the other hand education inequality becomes a factor in propagation of the fact ors themselves, these include economic, societal, political, technical and cultural influences and the education system, delivery of education etc.The factors can either be endogenous or exogenous either external or factors within the education system itself that cause inequality nobody of schooling facilities, poor administrative environment of the school-system. Absenteeism, truancy, low attainment in school and dropouts are several(prenominal) of the outcomes of pitiable structural environment of school-system. Segregation has been named as the greatest cause of inequality. Segregation actually manner stratification or classification of people in a baseball club due to a prevailing attri entirelye they possess. Racial, gender, tender, economic segregation among others have an adverse effect on education. The discrimination that arises hinders people from accessing better and desired education.In the history of America the inequality of education has existed in regard to rac e, gender and sociocultural and economic factors. Through the transitory of slavery, equality of education was one of the rights that were formerly withdrawn from the Black people. The sacrifice of equality was a factor that would help in social integration attainment. Its over one cardinal and twenty age but still the black children have not really achieved the amount of fiscal success White children have in life after school. The objective of education is to reserve the puzzle class structure. Ever since the eradication of servitude, racist whites have used the educational classification to retain their sovereignties and to keep abreast blacks unfortunate. Philosophies of marginal subservience are spread, and the misrepresented fall into the trap of believing that race defines astuteness, by mover of lopsided test statistics to aid back their thoughts.Ranking in social achievement simulations adopt social movement in an exposed challenge, based on distinction as measured by years of schooling and practical capability. This open challenge assumes an identical rudimentary education. The Supreme Court governed that separate but equal schools were unauthorized, those who would avert incorporation had to find new methods to negate this elementary education. This is so equivalent to trailing where by children are separated in terms of their social classes.Various sociological schools of thoughts have arisen to formulate this phenomenon. Some of the dominant include the functionalist theory this paradigm aims in delineating the functions of education and asserts that education serves the contractments of the society. In its present form education communicates elementary knowledge and skills across generations and on the other hand it socializes people into the societys mainstream through its latent aims the moral education, which helped forms a more-cohesive social arrangement by bringing in concert people from assorted backgrounds. It echoes the historica l apprehension of Americanizing settlers. This theory was formulated by Emile Durkheim and has since been advanced by other scholars.Functionalists argue that other underlying roles of education are such as transmission of core value and social control. Functionalist hold that education serves the purpose of socializing individuals to learn the social norms, beliefs, knowledge, attitudes and values that they will require as industrious citizens at the different (unequal) levels of society this is achieved mainly through the hidden curriculum, at the same time education sorts and rank persons for engagement in the labor market, individuals who achievement highly are trained for the approximately important jobs and in recompense, earn very high incomes. Thereby the most satisfactory individuals get the greatly aspired occupations. The sensibly constructed educational goals and curriculum assists in develop identities and self-esteem. eventide so, Sennet and Cobb (2005) cites that to have confidence that cleverness single-handedly determines who is to be rewarded is unfounded. Meighan concurs, adding that a majority of individuals who are capable of performing but are confine by their working class background fail to achieve the status they deserve limited by the cultural experiences and deprivations.The cycle persists with schooling backing continuity, which in turn maintains social order. Lucas, 2009 supposed that this progression, whereby some schoolchildren were named and labelled educational failures, is an essential activity which education as a part of the social system, performed for the whole and legato functioning of the society. Another model called the conflict theory maintains that the function of education is to continue with the social inequality and maintain the power of the powerful in the society. Conflict theorists scrutinize the identical purposes of education as functionalists. However the functionalists view education inequality as a advantageous contribution to an ordered society and that helps maintains the social order while the conflict theorists perspective is that the educational system is a system that propagates the status quo by stultifying the lower classes into being submissive workers. They together concur that the educational system practices sorting, but they disagree about how it enacts that sorting. Functionalists prerogative that schools categorize centered upon distinction conflict theorists contend that schools classify along typical class and ethnic lines.Conflict theorists hold that, schools train those in the working classes to accept their position as a lower-class member of society. The conflicts identify several factors to defend their position property taxes finance most schools this therefore means affluent districts have more money hence better funded schools. They can have enough money to pay greater wages, appealing to more professional teachers, and newer texts books and more tec hnology. This therefore translates to better performance and development of more able students. Symbolic interactionists is yet another theoretical approach in explaining education inequality, symbolic interactionists say that society is conceivable since people have the capability to converse with one another by means of symbols. Further they add that people act toward others, objects, and events on the foundation of the connotations we stock to them. Subsequently, we experience and understand the world as a constructed- created reality. On education they restrict their examination to what we at once observe happening in the schools. to boot they lay a focus on how educators anticipations stimulates student performance, observations, and attitudes.Additionally researchers across the globe have come up with more theoretical methodologies to elucidate developments in educational inequality the theory of industrialization, reproduction theories, MMI and EMI. theory of industrializat ion give its explanations on educational inequality that with emergence with industrialization and modernization there would be decline in inequality in the education orbit and as a result other sectors e.g. income distribution and resource allocation. As an outcome of economic, institutional, and cultural transformation, arising from improve technology and innovations, greater sections of the countries inhabitants will benefit, thereby reducing the factors that increase inequality. The theory asserts that access to education, and their educational achievement would be progressively rely on merit rather than cultural and economic background. Reproduction theories disk operating system that the inequality is a making of the education system this can be simply inferred to mean that the systems are structured to reproduce the unequal social structure. Stratification in the society will continue even if the education enlarges because the powerful figures will continue to make strate gies that maintain this benefit. Therefore there will forever and a day be an intergenerational sinuousness of inequality.Maximally maintained inequality (MMI) cites the educational system expansion doesnt specifically major on lower class but all the students, this theory was formulated in an try out to answer why educational development and egalitarian transformations do not decrease educational variety among socioeconomic divisions. Relative risk aversion (RRA) proposes larger disparity lessening is probable and is subject to neutering costs and customs. Effectively maintained inequality (EMI) proposes that significant inequality decrease in equality is unspeakable since qualitatively diverse categories of education preserve far-reaching inequality, even at collective conversions. When inundation is attained at a specific level and inequity in realization degenerates, quantifiable inequity may be swapped by qualitative. This means that upper classes will be better equipped. Concentrating on tracking, EMI openly deliberates the established electric pig of diverse educational systems, thus accentuating the importance of including the institutional facet.Theorists and researchers agree that the inequality in education is as a result of segregation and class differences more specifically brought about by income-economic factors. If the bridge in student achievement is to be crossed policies that emphasize inequality elimination and new initiatives have to be developed. The structure and the process of schooling should also be taken into consideration to achieve better performance. decrease of race and sociocultural discrimination also will go a long way in improving the state of education in America. The state commitment to policies that ensure equal distribution of the resources and creation of programs that are aimed at improving the welfare of the people should be adopted.

Microsoft Outlook® User Manual Critique

Microsoft mindset User Manual Critique The objective of this paper will be to evaluate Microsoft manual(a) of arms of arms for outlook. According to Torkzadeh (1988), author of The Quality of User Documentation, User documentation is an important tool for communications. It enhances the nourish of an practise to the substance ab drug exploiter and in turn, improves user satisfaction (p. 99).When designing a manual Ganier (2007) suggests in his expression, Comparative User-Focused evaluation of User Guides, the strategy for a user manual should focus on 3 characteristics coiffe, structure, and its content. Ganier in his article also includes the criteria for measuring the quality and efficiency of the manual as, pleasantness, practicality, simplicity, and efficiency. The critique of the observation post user manual will not evaluate the criteria using a weighted score for each criteria on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is very bad and 5 is very good (Ganier, 2007).Instead, it will leave alone a written critique of the Outlook user manual nominate upon Ganiers identified characteristics and criteria. mind of the Design Strategy The first characteristic of the Outlook user e-manual is format. Since the Outlook user manual is in electronic format or e-manual, it keister be launched from the application by pressing the F1 key on the keyboard. The cognitive workload required to utilize the function of the e-manual is minimal. Structure, the second characteristic, refers to the layout of the information and how users access the information based upon their knowledge.New users will typically access the information linearly in a gradually fashion whereas, to a greater extent experienced users will access the information by function. There is no acquire Started section on the main menu with directed instruction for new users. The Outlook manual is focused toward the experienced user, who would be scrutinizing for instruction manual to perform a particula r function. The last characteristic of the design of the Outlook user e-manual is content, which includes prominent headings, the use of vocabulary the user can comprehend, and the combined use of text and illustrations.The Outlook e-manual contained very good content. It has step-by-step instructions that are weak to follow with a mixture of applicable illustrations. The manual uses clear and concise language which is easily understood however, the only drawback is a lack of illustrations in the manuals headers. Assessment of Criteria The first criterion Ganier identified for measuring the quality and efficiency of a user manual is attractiveness. (Merriam-Websters, 2010) defines attractive as arousing interest or engaging ones thought, consideration, etc.Attractiveness is a subjective nibment which attempts to measure the ability of a manual to entice users to access it. The attractiveness of the Outlook user e-manual is minimal and the format is very simplistic. The headers are basic, but functional, and the lack of graphics or icons to help identify the topics makes the appearance less(prenominal) attractive and approachable. By using icons along with the headers, it would improve the overall look, making the document look more(prenominal) appealing and approachable.When clicking on a high level header for creating messages, the user is presented with a list of submenu topics from which to choose. The submenu topics have a third level of headings with instruction options for creating an e-mail message. The actual instruction is presented to the user after clicking on 3 levels of topics and sub-topics. It contains an explanation of creating an e-mail with step-by-step instruction and includes a good crew of illustration and white space.Practicality, the second criteria, as it applies to a user manual or an instruction, is whether or not the manual or instruction is designed and applicable to actual use. Overall, the manual is useful if the user is face for instruction on performing a specific task. The user e-manual does a good job of explaining the heterogeneous functions of the Outlook application. The tool bar menu items include navigation buttons which allow the user to easily take to the woods the focus of the manual back one page at a time or by clicking on the home button, to return to the first page. Simplicity is the lack of complexity, r intricacy, (Merriam-Websters, 2010). The Outlook user e-manual fulfills the description of simplicity in its ability to reach a diverse target audience, with the ability to read and run into the content. Both basic and advanced users can utilize the search function of the manual to find instructions on the topic being searched. Basic tasks, such as creating an e-mail, or tasks for more advanced users, can easily be found in the manual. The user e-manual lacks overall efficiency as it does not pass water the user the ability to accomplish a task with ease and speed.The user e-manual should allow the user, no reckon what their experience level with the application, to be able to access the information in the most efficient manner. The Outlook user e-manual headings are not in any particular order and the user must contemplate the headings to find a specific topic. If the headers were sorted alphabetically, finding the topics would be more efficient. Once the information is found the instruction are clear and concise, and include the appropriate amount of illustrations along with step-by-step instructions. ConclusionThe Outlook user e-manual is designed to be used in conjunction with the Outlook application. The manual has good content and is relatively easy to use, with the exception of the need to drill down to multiple sub-headings. The search function of the manual provides an easy way to find information on a particular topic if the reader knows what they are searching for. The lack of icons to illustrate the headings, and the headings not being sorted a lphabetically detracts from the attractiveness and the overall usefulness of the document.Both lineage and advanced users of the Outlook application can benefit from reading the user e-manual. With the lack of a Getting Started section it makes utilizing the document for new users a little more tedious for progressive learning. The actual step-by-step instruction contains detailed and accurate information, which is attractively designed with the appropriate amount of whitespace and illustrations. Overall the user e-manual enhances the value of the Outlook application and helps the user improve their knowledge in using the application.References Torkzadeh, G. 1988, Fall). The Quality of User Documentation. ledger of Managment Information Systems, 5(2), 99-108. Ganier, F. (2007). Comparative User-Focused Evaluation of User Guides A Case Study. J. Technical Writting and Communications, 37(3), 305-322. Attractive. 2010. In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved Nov 23, 2010, fro m http//www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/attractive Simplicity. 2010. In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved Nov 23, 2010, from http//www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/ simplicity Outlook is a registered trademarks of the Microsoft 2010

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Nutrition and Health Worksheet

Nutrition and Health Worksheet use Ch. 1 of Contemporary Nutrition, Ch. 2 of Visualizing Nutrition, supplemental course materials, the university Library, the Internet, or other resources to answer the following questions. Your response to each question should be 75 to 100 words. 1 . What Is nutrition? Why Is nutrition essential to our dally lives? Nutrition Is the experience of our Intake and utlllzatlon of food. Proper nutrltlon can help prevent or lessen the Instances of disease. Improper nutrltlon can malarky to a weakened Immune system and even disease.In fact, A poor nutrition and a inactive lifestyle ar known to be essay factors for lite-thr consumeening chronic diseases such as cardiovascular (heart) disease, hypertension, diabetes, and about forms of cancer. Furthermore a well-balanced diet can improve daily performance mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. reference book Contemporary Nutrition, Eighth Edition Chapter 1 What You Eat and Why Author Gordon M. wardlaw, PH. D. , Anne M. smithPH. D? R. D. , L. D. copyright C 2011 McGraw-Hill Company 2. What is the connection between nutrition and health?Nutrients are the substances obtained from food that are vital for ingathering and maintenance of a healthy body throughout life. Study after study has shown that pot who eat whole foods rich in nutrients enjoy vital health, longer life and a reduced risk of many diseases. Eating nutrient-rich foods can also help people to maintain healthy body weighting being overweight or obese has been found to be linked to numerous chronic diseases. If people are careful with their nutrition they can live almost worry free until their body of course slows down. 3. What are the half-dozen classes of nutrients? What are essential nutrients?What are the sources of nutrients? What do nutrients do? The SIX classes of nutrients are Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water. harmonize to Wardlaw and Smith essential nutrients are fo od substances that provide energy, Promote Growth, Development, Maintenance, and Regulate Body Processes. All six classes are essential nutrients that are broken up Into three subgroups according to their purpose. The sources of these nutrients include meats, nuts, fish, dairy, fruits and brings its unique and of the essence(predicate) value to promote health and welfare of the body, ind, and spirit. . How do vitamins and minerals work? Vitamins and minerals are needed by the body in such small amounts that they are called micronutrients. However they play a very important graphic symbol that is divinely possible due to their chemical properties. Vitamins act like catalysts when it comes to nutrient processing. The body needs to utilise their precious chemical compounds and elements to release the energy from nutrients once they are inside the body. Minerals on the other travel by are simple inorganic substance that helps build certain parts of our bodies. 5. What does it mean t o eat a balanced diet?Why is food choice important for good nutrition? To eat a balanced diet one should make sure to take portions from all the nutrient classes appropriately. This may alteration from one person to the next and so we all should have a eating plan that helps us balance our ratios of meats, vegetables, fruit and nuts. The most neglected regimen is the recommended 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day and these items are usually replaced with whatchamacallum food. Food choice is important for performance and well-being so we should be careful not to come in into social traps and pressure induced feeding frenzies. . What is undernutrition? What is overnutrition? Under-nutrition is a condition that occurs when a person consumes a diet that does not meet the requirements for the amount of essential nutrients or calories a person needs to remain healthy. This token of malnutrition can occur when people are not eating enough food, or when the food they are eating does not contain well-balanced nutrients. Over-nutrition occurs when a person consumes a diet that exceeds the requirements for the amount of essential nutrients, or the amount of calories a person needs to remain healthy.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Life today is better Essay

Nowadays life is more than comfortable, convenient and break away than it was a century before. Modern facilities for health, education, communication and transport have added a stripe in bringing betterment to the life of people. Advances in engineering have provided people with many shipway to spend their leisure time and they also have more opportunities to utilize their physical and mental abilities to reach a better living standard.Technology and education have got much better as compared to the ancient as there are more schools, colleges and universities giving basic and modern education. Subsequently, it has revolutionized all the sectors of society. For instance, in the foregone 100 years, research surveys indicate that millions of people died due to disease outbreaks and absence of cures and appropriate health facilities. just now now the mortality rate has significantly reduced because there are hospitals available almost in every town, equipped with basic emergency requirements. Medical research and inventions have eradicated many diseases from the world.Communication has decease much easier and fast as internet, mobile phones, television are available nowadays. There is no pauperisation to write long descriptive letters and wait for the response for long time. unity can reproof and even watch his loved ones with only a single click. They provide a better reference work of recreation too, thus helping to get rid of boredom. Similarly, infrastructure has been improved hence it has upgraded the standard of travelling. One can travel long distances using airplane in few hours while it was not affirmable some years ago. People had to travel for days to cover long distances on animals, keeping thick luggage and food with them. Development in industrial sectors has opened new areas for work to earn a living. It has introduced a wide range of career choices so that one can opt for what he likes to do instead of sticking with the occupation of ancestors.It can be inferred from the above arguments that standard of life is far better than it was in the past. People have more facilities and choices for spending and maintaining their lives. It has all happened due to the advent of education and technology that was absent in the past.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Accounting Terminology Essay

Each of the following argumentations may (or may non) describe peerless of these technical terms. For apiece statement, indicate the accounting term described, or set None if the statement does not correctly describe wholly of the terms.a. The level of sales at which taxation exactly equals be and expenses. Break-even point. b. Costs remain unchanged despite changes in sales volume. Fixed Costs. c. The gallus over which output is likely to vary and assumptions about cost behavior generally remain valid. pertinent Range. d. Sales revenue less unsettled be and expenses. Contribution margin. e. Unit sales price electronegative variable cost per unit. Unit contribution margin. f. The reduction in unit cost achieved from a high level of output. Economics of scale. g. Costs the respond to changes in sales volume by less than a proportionate amount. Semi variable be. h. Operating income less variable cost. None. wield 20.7 Using Cost-Volume-Profit FormulasExercise 21.2 Ho me Depots Financial Statements Incremental, Sunk, and Opportunity Costs Read the footnote in accessory A referring to Home Depots decision to close all of its remaining big quoin stores in China. Write a short paragraph identifying the incremental, drop down and opportunity costs associated with this decision. Assume that any cost savings will be invested elsewhere in more intersection pointive stores.Incremental costs relate to the difference in costs between alternative courses of action and incremental revenues. The incremental costs that would be that would occur from any remodeling or closing Home Depot an existing location would overwhelm cost of materials, overhead from the true physical remodel, labor that acknowledges employee pay for rearranging and moving merchandise during a remodel if it occurred, designing and planning costs. Opportunity costs are important factors when it comes to decision make because they define the costs of taking some action in terms of the value foregone or thats tending(p) up due to a naval divisionicular action taken place. Opportunity costs of remolding would complicate clams on lost sales if the store is closed during remodeling, loss of current sales due to minify in customer traffic (due to excessive noise, smell, dirt and inconveniences.Stores could potentially lose service if they are not able to stock the full military control of mathematical products or keep items stocked during a remodel. Whereas a sunk cost is an outlay that has been irrevocably incurred at some time in the past sunk costs cannot be changed no matter what course of action is taken and are irrelevant for purposes of decision making involving the future. Sunk costs related to either remodeling of the store that would need to be taken into consideration include original costs of the current store (decorations, paint, shelves, displays, carpet) and designs that will need to be replaced or removed during either remodeling or closing .Exercise 21.6 Incremental Analysis Make or Buy Decision The cost to swank Company of manufacturing 15,000 units of a business officeicular part is $135,000, of which $60,000 is rooted(p) and $75,000 is variable. The company can buy the part from an foreign supplier for $6 per unit. Fixed costs will remain thesame regardless of Swanks decision. Should the company buy the part or continue to manufacture it? Prepare a comparative memorial in the format illustrated in Exhibit 21-6.It would be more beneficial for the company to manufacture the part rather than buy it from an outside provider.Brief Exercise 22.9 Flows of Costs through Manufacturing Accounts The President of Cold let loose frappe Cream Company, a chain of ice cream stores in the Midwest, was unhappy with the actual six-month profit figures for thecompany recently prepared by the CFO. The president asked the CFO for a profit breakdown, by store, of the actual six-month results. When the President received the repo rt, he was extremely upset and called the CFO, into his office. The President stated, These reports show that each store in the chain is profitable, but our company results are unprofitable How can this be? The CFO pointed out that each store was allowed to set prices for ice cream based on its cost structure. However, the stores cost structures did not include headquarters costs of the costs of advertising and delivery of products.What are the trio characteristics for operating a booming responsibility accounting corpse? Consider whether the accounting carcass at Cold Moo Ice Cream Company includes the three characteristics of a successful responsibility accounting system. How could the responsibility accounting system at Cold Moo be improved?As the Textbook states, measuring execution of instrument along the lines of management responsibility is an important function. A responsibility accounting system holds individual managers accountable for the performance of the business centers under their control and provides top management with information useful in identifying strengths and weaknesses among units throughout the organization. The three characteristics of a successful operating accounting system will include budgets, will measure the performance, and oblige timely performance reports. Budgets serve as performance targets for each subunit in an organization. The accounting system will measure the performance of each responsibility center, and timely performance reports are prepared that par the actual performance of each center with the amounts budgeted.When reports are preformed frequently, it allows center managers to be able to keep their performances on target, and helps with the evaluation of the managers. It does not appear hat Cold Moo Ice Cream is following the timely reports method of the accounting system, which is essential to ensuring the financial information is accurate as possible, and to improve this aspect should be more intert wined with the actual budget and more accurately present how the performance of the store is measured.To do so the responsibility income statement should also be presented, thiscontains not only the operating results of a particular part of a business but also the revenue and expenses of each profit center within that part, which could be extremely important to see how those centers within the same area measure and stack up against one another. For the responsibility income statement to be informative and useful it should essentially and efficiently be able to lucubrate Variable Costs, Contribution Margin, Fixed Costs, Traceable Fixed Costs and Common Fixed Costs.In addition, fixed costs that are special K to both product lines amount to $125,000.00.Instructionsa. Prepare Chocolatiers responsibility income statement for the current month. Report the responsibility margin for each product line and income from operations for the company as a whole. Also include columns showing all d ollar amounts as percentages of sales.b. According to the analysis performed in part a, which product line is more profitable? Should the common fixed costs be considered when ascertain the profitability of individual product lines? Why or why not? According the analysis in part a, the solid product line is more profitable. When determining profitability of any product line, common fixed costs should not be considered. Only the costs that are directly traceable to the product lines should be included. Common fixed costs are not directly traceable to any product, as they are arbitrarily allocated in proportion to a chosen factor, for example, machine hour or square(p) feet of a certain space occupied.c. Chocolatiers has $15,000.00 to be used in advertising for one of the two product lines and expects that the expenditure will result in additional sales of $50,000.00. How should the company decide which product line to advertise?The effects of this campaign will typically be in both sales and variable costs, and therefore the company should select the product line based on which product will turn in the highest contribution margin ratio, which is thepercentage of sales, service revenues or selling price that remains after all variable costs and variable expenses have been covered. This method takes into consideration the limited time frame of the advertising campaign, where fixed costs will most likely not be affected.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Christianity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Christianity - Essay drillThe principle book in Christianity is the Gospel, which is a collection of works that originate from authors such as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and tin can all of which were Jesuss disciples. The Gospel tells about Jesuss life and passes on the lessons and teachings inwardly Christianity. There are a great deal of many other writers in the Gospel object the principle four, one of them being Paul. Paul did non directly observe Jesus in life, having solitary(prenominal) met him a few other times through the Apostles before becoming one of them himself. Because he was not a direct follower of Jesus, many of his writings conflict with that of Jesus. Because Paul did not know a majority about the life and events that occurred during Jesuss life, there are major events that are taradiddle changing that are not mentioned in his Gospel, giving the reader a different feel than the other ones. Because Paul learned from others, his Gospel story is different. Christi anity is unified, yet fragmented. There are many different branches of Christianity. Although they are similar, they are still a little different from each other, which makes them different at the fundamental level. The nifty Schism happened early in the spread of Christianity. It was a fundamental split between what was Western europium and what were the remnants of the Byzantine Empire. The West support the rule of the Pope for Roman Catholicism from Rome, whereas the Byzantine Empire supported Eastern Orthodoxy.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Building E-commerce (Rent all Marine activities and boat charters) Research Paper

Building E-commerce (Rent every(prenominal) Marine activities and boat charters) - Research Paper ExampleThe company will commence its operations, under the mercenary Law of Kuwait government, with a total share capital of KD 60,000. The contributors are Mr. Fahad Alnasrallah (Chief Marketing Officer CMO), Mr. Mohammed Almejadi (Chief finance Officer CFO) and Mr. Abdulaziz Almohaisen (Chief Executive Officer-CEO and founder). Each partner will invest KD 20,000. The NPV after the feasibility study for quintuple historic period forecasting shows a confirming KD 2,247, which indicates that it is a feasible business venture. It will start generating positive income cash flow for the third year in 2018 with a margin of 7%, and on an increase scale to reach a margin of 22% in the year 2020. The Pay Back gunpoint is 4.6 years.The primary value proposition for the company is to save time and money by providing the customers an opportunity to peril the sea with the convenience and a voiding unqualified vendors. The company will receive transaction fee based on successful transaction/confirmation done, the yearly subscription from vendors, and advertisement from advertisers. The market opportunity is large due to lashings of individual vendors who will be attracted to join. The market will be competitive after few years of initiative, but the company will mostly possess the largest market share, giving the new entrants a disgraceful in an entry. This will be achieved by engaging experienced, knowledgeable, and well-known employees. The market strategy includes marketing campaigns, advertisements, and intelligence of mouth. The company will undertake to recruit highly skilled staff to achieve an effective organisational development plan. With the well-able management team, the company will pull in and convince customers that the business has a great deal of market-specific expertise and the experience necessary to implement the business plan.Given the positiv e Net Profit pass judgment of KD 2,247 after the feasibility study for 5 years

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Maus by Spiegelman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Maus by Spiegelman - Essay ExampleIn Spiegelmans novel, Vladek is an attractive and resourceful young man living in Poland. He is a favored businessman married to the rich and talented Anja. According to Wood, Vladek and Anja had a abbreviated courtship and were married in 1937, on Valentines Day (82) and had a son named Richieu. With the help of Anjas father, Vladek is successful in his business pursuits until the German invasion of Poland changes the fate of Vladek and his family. As a reservist, Vladek is determined to fight for Poland against the German intrusion, albeit it is against his fathers wishes. As an inexperienced soldier, Vladek is captured in 1939 and taken to a Prisoners Of War (POW) camp together with other fighters. Spiegelman writes that the Germans claimed that the Jews are responsible for the wars in the camp (33). It is for this reason that they are separated from otherS and made to do more work. I think this is just an act of religious persecution, conside ring there were other people fleck for Poland and not just the Jews. When an opportunity comes up for any volunteers to replace German workers, Vladek takes up the chance. Through grievous work and perseverance, Vladek is released to reunite with his family. Vladek is living with his in-laws in an extended family nevertheless, life is no longer the same. Weine states that soon after, in 1943, Poland is divided into two sections and Jews are taken to Auschwitz and protrudeed (29). Seeing the gravity of the situation, Vladek and Anja give Richieu to Anjas sister so that she stay with him and her children at Zawierci. However, fearing that she and the children will be taken to Auschwitz, Anjas sister kills herself and the children, including Richieu. One could understand that everyone in Poland was worried about their future and safety of their loved ones. However, the decision by Anjas sister to kill herself and the children is not a solution for me. She could have at least waited and by chance she and the children could have survived the war. Vladek and Anja are conceal in a ghetto waiting for the situation to calm down. According to Spiegelman, one of Vladeks and Anjas friends escapes to Hungary and writes them a letter telling them that Hungary is safe (125). Together, Vladek and Anja are on their way to safety in Hungary but are both captured and taken to Auschwitz where they are separated. Weine writes that at Auschwitz, Vladek works very hard as a tinsmith, a shoemaker, and a black worker earning enough to feed himself (27). As the war comes to an end, Vladek is set free and he goes back to his home place in Sosnowiec, where he reunites with Anja who had been released earlier. It is a happy and miraculous reunion for Vladek and Anja, considering that everyone they knew had been killed in the war. To me, it sounds sort of fictional for the two to be the only ones to survive the war in their family. In the novel, it is likely that Vladek and Spiegelman do not have a good relationship. According to Wood, Spiegelman feels guilty of living a pause life than his parents (79). The relationship between Vladek and Spiegelman has deteriorated since Anja took her own life. Anja committed suicide after the war, primarily because she had lost Richieu. Spiegelman is dotty with his father for burning Anjas dairies about the war, after her suicide. In my opinion, Vladek is not to blame for burning the diaries maybe he just needed closure and did not want anything that reminded him of how Anja had given up on them. At the time