Saturday, May 4, 2019

The use of videos in FL teaching and learning Assignment

The usance of movies in FL teaching and larn - Assignment ExampleThe paper provides the possible constraints of apply the mode to facilitate teaching and development and the paper also provides the assessment of the use f the method in teaching. The paper concludes with recommendations and summarization of the main points discussed in the paper. Video refers to anything that relates to or the use transmitted images or the whole process or receiving images by a television or a computer. A pictorial matter sack involve images which atomic number 18 normally displayed on television sets or n computers. Videos can be exploited in various ways in order to make sure that there is asylum of motivation, memorable instance and involvement of all the learners. On the early(a) side, watching a impression can sometimes be passive and therefore, other teaching methods should be used together with the use of video in the teaching and training of a foreign language (Brian 2008 p. 77-7 9). Before any teacher uses the video in class, it is important for him or her to check it or go through it to make sure that it merely contains the relevant materials to be taught in class. Such a teacher should also compare his or her lesson plans from other institutions which use videos in the teaching and learning of a foreign language to make sure that it is rough-and-ready and how such a lesson plan can be improved. The teacher should also make sure that the elect video demonstrates the specific topic that it was meant for. With so doing, the teaching and learning of a foreign language through the use of a video can be effective and the same time successful (Hadley 1993 p. 16-21). Benefits of development Videos The use of video materials in the classroom environment can give a big esteem to the learners through providing them with motivation to learn the foreign language. The learners are motivated to learn the foreign language since they are presented the real language an d this provides the learners with a positive look and perception at the culture. Video clips give a representation of the authentic environment of the foreign culture and also provides the learners with practical examples of how the foreign language operates and functions. The use of video clips presents the learners with authentic language interaction and also it shows both the verbal and nonverbal components of the language. In the non verbal components of the language, the videos materials provide the eye movements and facial expressions, body language, and space language of the native speakers of the language (Joseph 1999 p. 206- 209). One of the benefits of use videos in the teaching and learning of foreign language is that it creates experience in learners. With creating the experience, the video clips provide sensory experience which makes the ideas and the concepts in the video to be like real life experiences thus guiding the learners in the adventure. The other benefit o f using video is that it turns a classroom to an interactive place throughout the learning process. This makes all the learners to enjoy the learning session and at the same time retain most f the information and knowledge they get from the videos. The other benefit is that the use of video in the teaching and learning complements traditional approaches which are used in the learning process. Effective use of the videos connects the knowledge already with the learners with the learning objectives contained in

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