Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Billy Budd Essay: Close, but no Christ Figure -- Billy Budd Essays

wand Budd Close, but no the Nazarene Figure Billy Budd, the foretopman in Billy Budd, Sailor, seems similar to Jesus Christ because of his relative appearance of purity, simplicity, and innocence. He posses human virtues which can non be explained but* by any other manner except comparison to Christ. Yet, while Budd may seem like a Christ figure at first glance, he is a far prognosticate from the Christ of the Holy Bible. Budd is human, and his short comings-his natural flaws and apathy towards others and his work-make it impossible for him to be a Christ figure-one who is blameless from birth until death, has the purpose of humanitys redemption continually in mind, and is totally self-sacrificing despite possession of tremendous power. Because he is human, Budd lives a very human life, and his actions throughout his life and ultimate death, while uncharacteristically heroic, be always limited to those of humanity. Christ, possessing unfathomable power lives a godly life an d lays that life down to save humanity in fulfillment of prophecy. Further, the method and nub of Budds death is entirely different-in fact, not even related to those of Christs death, burial, and resurrection. In this particular Billy was a striking instance that the arch interferer, the envious marplot of Eden, still has much or less to do with all(prenominal) human consignment to this plant of Earth (1879). Budd, though created in the image of God, suffers imperfection and sin like every human being on Earth. His most visible imperfection, that which makes the most striking presentation, is his tendency to stutter under emotionally pressured situations. However, while his most visible flaw, it is not his only flaw as a human being. Billy B... ...f Grace and Redemption. This mission of Christs determines the life He leads and the death He suffers, as well as the reason for His resurrection. Budd, having no reason to be where he is, leads a simple and apathetic life. His death , therefore, is of little or no consequence to those in the greater world. term Budds simplicity and human virtue make him seem Christ-like on the surface, he lacks that connection to God that determines the very soul of a man. William Budd, foretopman, is not a Christ figure because he is not, and could never be, the Lamb of God. Works Cited Melville, Herman. Billy Budd, Sailor. The American Tradition in Literature. Ed. George Perkins, et al. New York McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 1990. 1872-1924. The Holy Bible. Ed. David R. Veerman, et al. New poof James Version. Ilinois Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 1994.

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